Unsafe forecourt canopy refurbishment

Unsafe forecourt canopy refurbishment

Global-MSI recently released a safety alert regarding structural safety issues regarding canopy refurbishment undertaken by non-specialist organisations.

Our Surveyors have recently reported two further, and similar, cases of unsafe refurbishment practice whilst surveying canopies originally supplied by us. Repairs have been completed to leaking gutters by covering with felt on one canopy and a rubber liner on the other. At both sites the true extent of gutter corrosion is hidden by the non structural covering applied. Quite conceivably, a contractor could fall through the guttering to the forecourt below. In the event of canopy gutter corrosion, the only safe way to proceed is to remove and replace the lengths with an equal specification or install structural gutter liners. Both products are available from Global-MSI

Another significant risk relates to the securing method of the underlining sheets at one of the sites.  Profiled underlining sheets have been fixed directly to the original panel underlining system.  All canopy sheeting should be securely fixed to the purlins at a spacing dictated by wind loading calculation. In this case the second layer of sheeting has simply been screwed to the first layer of sheets rather than into the purlins.   There is now a danger that during high winds, the underlining could detach from its’ fixings and fall to the forecourt below.

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For any retailer concerned over the condition of their canopy, either due to previous sub-standard maintenance, or simply as a result of age or weathering, please contact Global-MSI as follows:

Martin Steggles
Managing Director
Carr Bank
0044 (0)7770 277221