Global-MSI is delighted to have supplied the Main Forecourt and HGV Canopies for one of the largest Maxol Service Station...
Free desktop Study – Establish the history of your forecourt canopy
Global-MSI has a unique archive of petrol station canopies dating back to 1965, containing thousands of drawings. Using our...
Topaz Clonshaugh and Ballacolla forecourt canopies
In January 2015 Global-MSI completed the installation of the forecourt canopies for Topaz at their new flagship service station sites...
Snapshot of C-Stores completed in 2014
These photographs feature a selection of the C-Stores that were designed, manufactured and installed for major food retailers by Global-MSI...
Fruitfield Service Station Canopy – Northern Ireland
Global-MSI is delighted to have recently completed the installation of the forecourt canopy at Fruitfield Service Station, between Portadown and...